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Activity Based Learning through Sports for Development

“Build your World” is one of the most predominant pillars of The Bridge-India, focusing on personality development. The pivot of this pillar scrolls around the youth and children, with activity based learning on sports for development as its center. We are enlightening the young mind through a value added Education.  With the main aim of strengthening the future pillars of world, Tuition center for children is established with the help of our trained volunteers. We are seedling the integral importance of Education in life, among school and college students, through our Educational Awareness Programs.

We are educating Youths and children with ten essential life skills as per the norm of WHO.The ten core life skills laid down by the WHO are:

Self-awareness: Includes recognition of self, our character, our strengths and weaknesses, desires and dislikes. Creating self-awareness can help adolescents recognize when they are under stress or feel pressured. Self-awareness is often a prerequisite to effective communication and interpersonal relations, as well as for developing empathy with others.

Empathy: To have a successful relationship with our loved ones and society at large, it is important that we, during our adolescent years, learn to understand and care about other peoples’ needs, desires and feelings. Empathy is the ability to imagine what life is like for another person. Without empathy, the communication that adolescents have with others will not amount to a two-way process. When an adolescent is able to understand themselves, they will be better prepared to communicate and at the same time, they will be able to elicit support from others, and win their understanding.

Critical thinking is an ability to analyze information and experiences in an objective manner. Critical thinking can contribute by helping the adolescent to recognize and assess the factors that influence attitudes and behavior, such as values, peer pressure and the media.Creative thinking is a novel way of seeing or doing things that is characteristic of four components – fluency (generating new ideas), flexibility (shifting perspective easily), originality (conceiving of something new), and elaboration (building on other ideas).Decision making is a skill that can help an adolescent deal constructively with decisions about their lives. Young adults can learn to assess the different options available to them, and consider what effects these different decisions are likely to have.Problem solving helps in empowering the adolescent to look at a problem objectively vis-à-vis the different options for solutions and would help them come to a solution after weighing the pros and cons of the different options available.

Interpersonal relationship skills help the adolescents relate in positive ways with people they interact with in their everyday lives. This may entail being able to make and keep friendly relationships (which can be of great importance to our mental and social well-being); maintaining good relations with family members (which are an important source of social support) and also being able to end relationships constructively.

Effective communication means helping the adolescents express themselves, both verbally and non-verbally, in ways that are appropriate to cultures and situations. This means being able to express opinions, desires, needs and fears and also includes the ability of being able to ask for advice and help in a time of need.

Coping with stress as a life skill means recognizing the sources of stress in their lives, recognizing how this affects them, and acting in ways that help them control their levels of stress; learning positive coping styles and replacing passive with active coping mechanisms - this may include changing their environment or lifestyle, and learning how to relax.Coping with emotions includes recognizing emotions within themselves and others, being aware of how emotions influence behavior, and being able to respond to emotions appropriately. A important aspect of this skill is learning to manage intense emotions like anger or sadness that can have negative effects on our health if we do not respond appropriately.

Training methodologies: 

  • Experiential Learning

  • Students Group Discussion

  • Sports Based Learning

  • Street Plays & Role plays

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